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Tuesday, Jan. 06, 2004 -9:50 AM

Three Strikes for Merv

Well, it seems it has been 41 days since my last update. A lot has kept me from updating within that period. I'll give you the gist of it as briefly as possible.

Well first off, I've been really bummed lately. Because of a hectic semester that my boss has this spring, my graduation has been pushed back until AT LEAST December of this year... but more likely May of next year. This is partly my fault, as I'm not as aggressive as Curtis and Eric are, so they get top priority and get to graduate this semester. So strike one against Merv.

Secondly, I was home in Louisiana for the past two weeks for the holidays. My parents don't have interenet connections, and since my old university was closed, it was no internet for Merv. It was the longest two weeks of my life too. I was so looking forward to rest and relaxation of being home alone, but nope. My dad was home the entire time I was home too. So I really didn't get to relax that much over the holidays either. Also, I had some friends come and visit with my family from Texas. They are from Japan and I thought it would be neat for them to meet my family. Boy was I wrong. My parents sucessfully showed what kind of racist, country bumpkins they are throughout the entire night. I wanted to crawl under a chair and just die then. All in all, the holiday was a bust. Strike two against Merv.

Lastly, I have been quasi-seeing someone starting in the middle of November about. It was someone I met at school here, and we share the same interests. Well on Sunday, after I got back from the grocery store, I decided to pay a surprise visit and see my man right? Well guess what I found instead... he wasn't alone. Apparently this had started right before I went home for Christmas. He gave me all kinds of excuses like "I can explain" and "I still love you and I'm sorry". Bull shit. I don't date cheaters. *Sigh* I thought I had something going here too. Apparently, most gay men 22 and under can only think about sex. I was kind of blah after this, but I won't be for too long. I don't pine over cheaters... that is for sure! And that makes strike three for Merv.

So, for the ones who were worried about me, I'm fine... just a little blah is all. Chris, I told you that I didn't live in that apartment anymore... I moved. The only change in address is from apt. 338 to apt #321. Hopefully things will calm down once I get back into the frill of things. I need to send my friend Mike a late Xmas present. I wasn't able to get it sent before I left for the holidays. If you read this Mike, I'm sorry for it being late!

BTW, FFXI is awesome still. If anyone who reads this and plays the game on

Diabolos server... look me up. Here is what I am:


Elvaan Male

Warrior 31

Paladin 29

Monk 14

I play most evenings. I have to limit myself, as I don't want to get addicted like I did to another MMORPG.

Take care all, hope your holidays were great.


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