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Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2003 -2:34 PM

Happy Thanksgiving

Well I bet everyone thinks I've fallen off the face of the earth. Well I haven't. There really isn't much going on in my life right now, and it is really boring, so instead of boring you all with it... I just haven't been posting.

Well my friend in Dallas, Mike, wrote in his journal that his dad found out he was gay. It seems that everything is ok, but I've been really worried for him. I think I'll try to call him this weekend.

I've been playing FFXI even more these days. That game is a damn drug, but really fun to play. I'm up to level 22, with my subjob up to level 10. Needless to say, I've developed a lot of new interenet friends through the game, which is kind of cool. If you don't like addicting games though, I don't recommend getting it. I'm a good boy though, as I don't let it affect my work! So no worries.

I was kind of interested in this one guy I became friends with and we had been hanging out a lot. I think we both had a mutual attraction towards each other, but something happened. A little young punk came in and pulled him away. Gosh dangit you young attractive things you, don't impose on my territory as I can't compete! Just go else where OK!

Well that is pretty much it. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! I have to cook for my group... hehe.


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